Friday 24 August 2012

Holiday part 3ish...(maybe)

Coming towards the end of the school holidays and now it getting good. Apart from last week when my parents went on holiday. i really didnt enjoy being alone even though id thought id be fine but i really wasnt....i suppose im so use to having my family around and when it was just me and my dog, i felt a bit lonely....
1 week left and then back to school :/ im excited but not at the same time...

Monday 13 August 2012

Olympics :D

I'm quite sad that this years Olympics are over. Its the first time i've really gotten into them and its been great :) I loved seeing all the countries competing and how it represents peace int he world. Its also been really cool having it in London, so close to home (few hours away but close enough thankyou.)
My favourite sport was the diving, especially the high ones. By the end of the week I was nearly guessing round about the scores and still getting it extremely wrong....I learned nothing.

But after all the money that was spent, and all that shizz they called opening and closing ceremonys, this man and his moustache was the highlight of the Olympics for me :D Look at it!!! I think it deserves a medal all of its own :D

Thursday 2 August 2012

My brother in a cupboard

I'm so boring...

im boring myslef here....Today me and my brother tried to make our radio station with the old baby monitor like we used to when my other brother was little... but i got sad because i couldnt find it

Diary entrys...

I never thought writing a diary could be so much fun but i've now found it to be fun and quite thereputic. It's much easier and much more reasonable than talking to myself like normal and i'm actually feeling drawn to writing in it a lot more. Maybe when i have less time alone and am back at school it won't seem so appealing and more time consuming than anything, but for the time being writing things down, anythign thats going on in my head, seems the right thing to do rather than rant to myself about things that dont matter...