Monday 3 September 2012

Today-trying something new

From now on, this blog is different, as well as my life, I will show you bits from my head, characters made up around things i see in the world around me, giving unknown people a name. I don't know if this will work but if anyone has any ideas, and would like to create something or would like me to create somthing mail me at
Ta x
Molly x

Friday 24 August 2012

Holiday part 3ish...(maybe)

Coming towards the end of the school holidays and now it getting good. Apart from last week when my parents went on holiday. i really didnt enjoy being alone even though id thought id be fine but i really wasnt....i suppose im so use to having my family around and when it was just me and my dog, i felt a bit lonely....
1 week left and then back to school :/ im excited but not at the same time...

Monday 13 August 2012

Olympics :D

I'm quite sad that this years Olympics are over. Its the first time i've really gotten into them and its been great :) I loved seeing all the countries competing and how it represents peace int he world. Its also been really cool having it in London, so close to home (few hours away but close enough thankyou.)
My favourite sport was the diving, especially the high ones. By the end of the week I was nearly guessing round about the scores and still getting it extremely wrong....I learned nothing.

But after all the money that was spent, and all that shizz they called opening and closing ceremonys, this man and his moustache was the highlight of the Olympics for me :D Look at it!!! I think it deserves a medal all of its own :D

Thursday 2 August 2012

My brother in a cupboard

I'm so boring...

im boring myslef here....Today me and my brother tried to make our radio station with the old baby monitor like we used to when my other brother was little... but i got sad because i couldnt find it

Diary entrys...

I never thought writing a diary could be so much fun but i've now found it to be fun and quite thereputic. It's much easier and much more reasonable than talking to myself like normal and i'm actually feeling drawn to writing in it a lot more. Maybe when i have less time alone and am back at school it won't seem so appealing and more time consuming than anything, but for the time being writing things down, anythign thats going on in my head, seems the right thing to do rather than rant to myself about things that dont matter...

Friday 27 July 2012

School Holidays :D

Finally the time has come!!!!!!! School holidays!!!! The sun has awoken and my friends actually want to go places. This monday we went out to a spring. It was a really nice :) Took about 1 hour and a half to get there but it was really nice :) We went to the park nearby and just did some shizz until my friend fell off the spinny thing :/ It was so funny though. Had a great day :D

Th video. One falling after another :) they just couldn't stand up.
Going to skegness on saturday. Thatll be fun :)

Comments. Feedback. Ta xx

Saturday 7 July 2012

Off school for weeks.

I have been off school now for about 3 weeks and i am dying here. i swear my brain is shriveling up.... The other day, i sat watching tv, this was about 3 ish in the afternoon, and i was just thinking of chocolate being the fatty i am. I am just casually sitting, then my dad pops his head round the corner, him not coming home for about 4 more hours, and i shizz myself.
Now, most of my stories consist of me throwing something down me or choking on some food after spitting it everywhere, like the time i sneezed and my frosties spilt all over my lap and the floor, but this one does not. It ends. Just like that. Done. Just some fat girl wanting attention.

Comments. Feedback. Ta xx

Question which need answers...

  • Why is the world round?
  • Why does no-one answer me?
  • Why are girls so bitchy?
  • Why does my mum feel the need to be around me all the time?
  • What is the meaning of life?

If its not funny, dont tell it....

This morning, my friend got back from Paris on a school trip. :)
Apparently it was good. As you would assume paris was. But heres the story:

I was casually eating mini marshmellows whilst browsing facebook, as faqcebook is meant ot be browsed, an he pops up, telling all the tales of Paris and how a person who sat next to him had BO...oh  dear. The next bit was best.

 He was so traumatised... and i spat my mini marshmellows all over my laptop and choked on the remaining ones... So funny but so deadly at the same time...

Comments. Feedback. Ta xx

Monday 25 June 2012

Photos :) once again

  Once again i have been out and about taking photos. Another thing to do when i have nothing do when off school.

Schools and boredom

This week i've been helping out at my brothers primary school as i have now finished school. They were so cute :) Don't you just wanna eat 'em. (Not literally mind....i'm not weird.)
It makes me want to add another job to my list of jobs...primary school teacher. All we did all day was sew, read and count to ten. It was actually really fun.
Because now i have finished school, i find myself doing alsorts of things....I'm trying to find something new to do. Yesterday i made some new sandwiches...if we've got it in the house, it's going in a sandwich, or pretending i'm a cushion and sitting on the setee for hours on end :) ok thats a lie. But i'm trying to make a film, it's not really going. Today, i'm painting my room again, covering my bed in glue and sticking little stars on it and cleaning mum was not happy.
Any ideas? I need new things to do.

Comments. Feedback. Ta xx

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Waves, smiles and death threats

Well today, as i have now finished school, and it was a very nice day, my friends and i decided to go on a picnic. The day consisted of eating, playing truth or dare...which was not fun...and sitting on a park, much like a chav.
Our day of good times ended when some actual chavs came over and started we moved. We sat on another park, not far from the last and waved at people going past in cars :). Got 16 waves, a smile from an old lady, a middle finger from a 6 year old, a car beep and a death threat. These people stopped at the end of the road and backed up to us.
 "Why you staring me out?" one of the ragamuffins (i like that word hehe) said to my friend, by which point i was already distracted myself with showing my other friend an imaginary picture on my phone.
"I wasn't. I was just looking"
"Why was ya staring me down?"
"I wasn't."
"Why was ya waving?"
"I've been waving to everyone."
"Why you staring at meh?"
"I'm just looking at you. Your talking to me."
"Gonna bang ya. Little prick. Want me to bang ya?"
"Erm no."
"Watch ya back."
Woah....i was very scared....Then they turn out of the junction and turned at the top of the street and came back down. We ran like the cowards we are. They came back but luckily we were behind a hedge. Scary times :/

Thoughts. Comments. Ta x

Saturday 9 June 2012

Another day, another life.

So every other day i add another job to the list of jobs i think would be cool or i could do, then a few weeks later the idea is gone and another thing is added to the list of failed ideas.
Some jobs on this list include:
  1. Shop owner
  2. Baker
  3. Firewoman
  4. Doctor
  5. CSI
  6. Behaviour analyst
  7. Teacher
  8. Director
  9. Singer
  10. Magician
  11. Youtuber vlogger
  12. Blogger
  13. And now comedian.
Each of these, totally different to the one before, all sparked by a passing phase i have. Daisy me, i'm 16 and still having phases. But none of these jobs turn out to be for me as i can't do it or i don't have the time or resources to do it. My mind just can't make up what i want to do or how i want my lif eto be directioned.......
At this rate i will end up working at the chipshop or something....not that thats a bad thing....
Does anybody actually get to what they want as a job?

Thoughts. Comments. Ta xx