Monday 25 June 2012

Photos :) once again

  Once again i have been out and about taking photos. Another thing to do when i have nothing do when off school.

Schools and boredom

This week i've been helping out at my brothers primary school as i have now finished school. They were so cute :) Don't you just wanna eat 'em. (Not literally mind....i'm not weird.)
It makes me want to add another job to my list of jobs...primary school teacher. All we did all day was sew, read and count to ten. It was actually really fun.
Because now i have finished school, i find myself doing alsorts of things....I'm trying to find something new to do. Yesterday i made some new sandwiches...if we've got it in the house, it's going in a sandwich, or pretending i'm a cushion and sitting on the setee for hours on end :) ok thats a lie. But i'm trying to make a film, it's not really going. Today, i'm painting my room again, covering my bed in glue and sticking little stars on it and cleaning mum was not happy.
Any ideas? I need new things to do.

Comments. Feedback. Ta xx

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Waves, smiles and death threats

Well today, as i have now finished school, and it was a very nice day, my friends and i decided to go on a picnic. The day consisted of eating, playing truth or dare...which was not fun...and sitting on a park, much like a chav.
Our day of good times ended when some actual chavs came over and started we moved. We sat on another park, not far from the last and waved at people going past in cars :). Got 16 waves, a smile from an old lady, a middle finger from a 6 year old, a car beep and a death threat. These people stopped at the end of the road and backed up to us.
 "Why you staring me out?" one of the ragamuffins (i like that word hehe) said to my friend, by which point i was already distracted myself with showing my other friend an imaginary picture on my phone.
"I wasn't. I was just looking"
"Why was ya staring me down?"
"I wasn't."
"Why was ya waving?"
"I've been waving to everyone."
"Why you staring at meh?"
"I'm just looking at you. Your talking to me."
"Gonna bang ya. Little prick. Want me to bang ya?"
"Erm no."
"Watch ya back."
Woah....i was very scared....Then they turn out of the junction and turned at the top of the street and came back down. We ran like the cowards we are. They came back but luckily we were behind a hedge. Scary times :/

Thoughts. Comments. Ta x

Saturday 9 June 2012

Another day, another life.

So every other day i add another job to the list of jobs i think would be cool or i could do, then a few weeks later the idea is gone and another thing is added to the list of failed ideas.
Some jobs on this list include:
  1. Shop owner
  2. Baker
  3. Firewoman
  4. Doctor
  5. CSI
  6. Behaviour analyst
  7. Teacher
  8. Director
  9. Singer
  10. Magician
  11. Youtuber vlogger
  12. Blogger
  13. And now comedian.
Each of these, totally different to the one before, all sparked by a passing phase i have. Daisy me, i'm 16 and still having phases. But none of these jobs turn out to be for me as i can't do it or i don't have the time or resources to do it. My mind just can't make up what i want to do or how i want my lif eto be directioned.......
At this rate i will end up working at the chipshop or something....not that thats a bad thing....
Does anybody actually get to what they want as a job?

Thoughts. Comments. Ta xx

Friday 8 June 2012

Holidays anyone?

School holidays again?Yes but now their nearly over even though i was under the illusion we were off for another week.
Once again my holidays have consisted of cleaning my bedroom, being unable to move from the floor and having another arguement with my brother about ham.
All you do is ask a simple question.
"Benji, can you get me the ham out of the fridge please?"
"Well which ham?"
"The ham.Just ham.How many hams are there?"
Apparently we have a normal ham and a fancy ham....fancy ham? Fancy ham is just normal ham with a few extra pounds on top for the extra fat which is too tough to eat and you end up taking off.So that extra £2 that you pay for better ham is wasted on the bits you throw in the bin, so you might as well just buy the normal ham. My parents waste their money on this so called 'fancy ham'. What is the world coming to today.
And then getting stuck on my bed room floor, the least fun experience ever.You sit there for about 10 mins and your feet decide to fall asleep. Not good. So afetr this i decided to crawl to my bed, ripping up half my carpet on the way there...and i finally got to my bed my feet where fine, until i got on my bed which i then fell off.

Great holiday all in all. Went to filey on monday :) good day .Don't want to go back to school though....

comments, thoughts. ta xx