Tuesday 19 June 2012

Waves, smiles and death threats

Well today, as i have now finished school, and it was a very nice day, my friends and i decided to go on a picnic. The day consisted of eating, playing truth or dare...which was not fun...and sitting on a park, much like a chav.
Our day of good times ended when some actual chavs came over and started smoking...so we moved. We sat on another park, not far from the last and waved at people going past in cars :). Got 16 waves, a smile from an old lady, a middle finger from a 6 year old, a car beep and a death threat. These people stopped at the end of the road and backed up to us.
 "Why you staring me out?" one of the ragamuffins (i like that word hehe) said to my friend, by which point i was already distracted myself with showing my other friend an imaginary picture on my phone.
"I wasn't. I was just looking"
"Why was ya staring me down?"
"I wasn't."
"Why was ya waving?"
"I've been waving to everyone."
"Why you staring at meh?"
"I'm just looking at you. Your talking to me."
"Gonna bang ya. Little prick. Want me to bang ya?"
"Erm no."
"Watch ya back."
Woah....i was very scared....Then they turn out of the junction and turned at the top of the street and came back down. We ran like the cowards we are. They came back but luckily we were behind a hedge. Scary times :/

Thoughts. Comments. Ta x

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