Thursday 31 May 2012


Schools all done now.YAY but not yay. No more creepy english teacher....i will never like him, no more boring english lessons thanking the lord for making each hour go as no longer than it did, basically happy to leave english lessons.
But leaving school made me think today how important it is in my life, it gives me a reason to wake up in the morning,the constant public appearences stop me getting fatter than i already am and it's given me friends that, without school, i wouldn't see, or even know about. I've spent 12 years of my life at school and i believe i have got better as a person. Bit cliche I know.
I don't know how others can look back on their time at school and just think "what a shit hole"-was there nothing  good there? nothing at all? I am one of the rare children that actually like school, but leaving today has made me realise that i am a lot more dependant and a lot less willing to leave than i first thought.'m finally leaving year 11 and for the firsty time in my school life i am truely scared. Scared but ready. I'm going to miss my school but i am ready, thanks to it, for nearly anythign life will throw at me. :D xxxxx

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